Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blue Harbor Resort - April 2009

Last weekend, we decided to do a mini-spring getaway to Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan. We picked a good weekend, it was freezing that Sunday and Monday! Liam was not as adventuresome as we had hoped, but he stayed comfortable in most of the wading pools with water spouts. He freaked out a few times when he had water dump out on him unexpectedly, and was a little reluctant at times to lay in the tubes with us on the lazy river. He was obviously too little yet to go on any water slides, but Joe enjoyed those, even going a few times by himself to the park after we put Liam to bed. Sometimes I wonder if I have two kids :) All in all, nice to have a weekend away and a Monday off work for Joe and me!

Skiing at Whitecap Mountains- February 2009

Joe and I stayed for a couple nights in northern WI for a weekend of skiing. It was nice to be child-free for a few nights while Liam stayed at Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Gary's house. Highlights included both of us losing a ski on the lift (what are the chances?), of course, mine being quite difficult to retrieve, requiring a couple of expert skiiers to help us out as it had fallen on some rocky cliffs. Of course! And it was near closing time! I had one ugly spill (no witnesses, though) and thought I screwed up my knee but it ended up clearing up in a couple days. Phew!