Thursday, January 1, 2009

Chicago Trip - December 2008

We went for our annual December trip to Chicago. Liam had his first train ride on the Amtrak Hiawatha and loved it. We tried to hype up the Santa visit, but as you can see, Liam was not into it. He wouldn't even look at Santa until we were walking out and he said, rather loudly, "Bye Santa!" At least there were no tears, but I couldn't get him to sit with Santa by himself. We did a lot of shopping, visited the Kristkindl (sp?) Market (a German Christmas market), swam in the hotel pool, and had yummy Chicago pizza and ate sushi another night. Liam loved this huge stuffed dog placed in the hotel lobby, so he had to give it a hug every time we passed by. The concierge told me they wash the thing every week, but I kinda doubt it!

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